About This Blog

The Burns Family Blog is a way for us to connect with friends and family back home in Texas. Through it, we plan on sharing our pictures and experiences during our time overseas in Macaé, Brazil.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Seashell Beach & Father's Day

June is turning out to be a good month for the Burns family! We had a special arrival come at the beginning of the month... not our sea shipment :( but the next best thing. Our dog, Bella, has finally arrived!! A big thank you to my parents who have been keeping her for us back in Texas, and went through the hassle of putting her on the plane to Brazil. Blake also had quite a headache with getting Bella here. He had to drive to Rio at 4 AM because traffic is horrendous, and wait for customs all day with an agent we had to hire to help us. He didn't get back until after 8 or 9 that night from Rio (good job babe!), but it was all well worth it! Our "first daughter" is back with her family! And Kennedy is in love, they are best friends.
Kennedy was asleep already the night Blake brought Bella home. This was the first time Kennedy saw Bella the next morning. Love at first sight!

Kennedy and her new BFF.

Bella has to hide from Kennedy now that she is mobile, Kennedy won't let Bella sleep!

We're so happy to have both our girls now!
At the beginning of the month we also visited Seashell Beach in Macae. It's a nice place to walk, and obviously by the name- there are LOTS of seashells! A fun fact I did not know- there is also magma and quartz on the beach. It is supposedly one of the places geographers can place where Brazil was connected to a part of Africa when the land was locked together from Pangea. Don't quote me- college geography 101 was too long ago, and I think I barely passed with a C, haha! Regardless, we had a fun and lazy day walking the beach as a family. We had Kennedy in the backpack- it was not a place for strollers and was a long hike, so mommy got some exercise that day!

Big girl, ready for the beach!
Too cool in her sunglasses and flip flops!

More interested in eating the sunglasses then wearing them.

On the beach, ready to go!

Kennedy loves the backpack, we try to walk on the beach a couple days a week now and take Bella with us!

The water is so pretty!

A little too cold for swimming that day.

You can see the magma by our feet.

Exploring with mommy.

It was so pretty and the beach was practically empty. Great spot for a picnic.

Family photo op!

Kennedy enjoyed her first day at the beach! 

Kennedy's 8 month birthday landed on Father's Day! We had a great day as a family- we made an American style breakfast, complete with biscuits and gravy. Dad got some time to go hit golf balls, and after we walked the beach together, got lunch, and an Acai berry treat. Kennedy is growing up to be such a beautiful, funny little girl. You can definitely start to see her personality shine through. She loves music and to shake her head - we call it "dancing!". And she is a social butterfly. She waves hello and bye bye to everyone we see. She's starting to let go of one hand sometimes when she's standing, I can't wait to see her stand up all by herself! She also had tooth #5 come in this week. And Blake is a great Dad- we are so proud of you bub!! Wish we were home to celebrate with our fathers - we love you and miss you guys!
All of Blake's girls, on Father's day.

Kennedy eating up the Father's Day balloons, haha.

Play time with Dad.
Kennedy Grace, 8 months, a little Blakerina clone!
John Blake, 6/7/8 months?

Morning play time

Crawling machine

Kennedy is a wild woman in the morning... notice Mom still trying to sleep in the background :)

She is always talking and laughing up a storm when she first gets up

Dad must be saying something funny!

Wild animal!

Sweet girl at our Father's Day lunch

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE all the pictures. Kennedy sure is growing up fast, and you and Blake look great! I can't believe how similar she and Blake look :) Hope your shipment comes soon. Thinking about you guys!!
