About This Blog

The Burns Family Blog is a way for us to connect with friends and family back home in Texas. Through it, we plan on sharing our pictures and experiences during our time overseas in Macaé, Brazil.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Good Start to July!

Early July had a lot of celebrations for the Burns family! First, July 2 was Blake and I's two year anniversary. Our friends, Jonathon and Gabi, were kind enough to babysit Kennedy while Blake and I enjoyed an evening out to dinner at one of our favorite Italian restaurants.

Blake and I on our way out to Lucca, one of our favorite places to eat out.
 Next, we had July 4, of course, Independence Day! We spent the afternoon at the James family's house for a BBQ, surrounded by fellow Americans and other gringos that just enjoy a good party ;) We had good ole fashioned hamburgers, American flag cheesecake, and fireworks!! It felt like we were back home for a day.

Annette, me, and Gabi - 4th of July!

Daniela playing with Miss Kennedy Grace

Sitting with mom, watching the other kids throw poppers
Tita and Kennedy
The ladies
Also in early July, was the Expats Annual Chili Cook-Off. Not exactly a holiday, but it felt like one to us! Teams competed in cooking chili (representing Texas expats), gumbo (for the Louisiana/Mississippi expats), and moqueca (which is a Brazilian fish dish, to represent our Brasileiros). Good food & good friends.
Kennedy's first pony!

One of the Brazilian booths was serving shots of cachaca - sugar cane liquor
Gabi and I, post-cuchaca, yuck!!

Marlena, Gabi, and Blake
Mom and KK
Blake has been going to the driving range every Sunday with a group of men and playing "target golf". Sometimes Kennedy and I will go to the range with him and watch and chit chat with the other ladies and hit s couple balls. The driving range is outside of town, up in the hills and is GORGEOUS! Such a beautiful view of the country. At night, you can hear monkeys screeching.
View of the clubhouse with hills in the background

Jonathon, Gabi, Kennedy, and I

Sunset at the golf range
We've spent a lot of time this month enjoying the country with new friends. It is starting to feel more like home here, and we're starting to have fewer and farther between "homesick" days. One of the best weekends we've had here so far was our trip to the mountains in Santa Maria Madalena with four other couples. But that will need its own post, because I have so many pictures to share!!

We have lots to look forward to for the end of the month - our shipment is scheduled to be clearing customs sometime in the next WEEK!!! HURRAY!! (knock on wood that the date is not pushed back...) and my mom will be visiting this coming weekend.

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